D-Lab tends to get a lot of inquiries and requests for meetings/tours, so we thought it would be interesting to pilot weekly "open hours" on Tuesdays from 11am-2pm. We envision this as a time for interested people from the MIT community as well as the general public to drop by and say hello, learn more about what we do and explore how to get involved, brainstorm joint projects and opportunities for collaboration, and do some hands-on work with us (work will still continue during this time, of course - this is D-Lab!). All our staff will make a special effort to try to be around during this time, so people dropping by can easily be directed to the most relevant D-Lab contact. D-Lab has also recently expanded into the second floor of Building E34 and we'd be happy to give informal mini-tours for those you who haven't seen our new space yet.
With that, D-Lab would like to invite you to join us for our inaugural open hours session on Tuesday, November 16th, from 11am-2pm (EST) in the 1st/2nd floor of Building E34 at MIT. Friends and food are welcome - we purposely scheduled this around lunchtime so you can bring your lunch and colleagues. We hope to see some of you next week!